Saturday, September 29, 2012

class without you :(

  Class without you was less cheerful.  It was good but, not as good as when you are there.  The movie is getting better and better.  I am really enjoying the movie.  It is really getting good and serious.  They starting to get more serious about jobs.  I dont get it!  Who would hire people that only have been in America for  3 mouths ??

Tuesday, September 25, 2012


  In class to today wasn't the best.  I didn't worse on my test then I thought i did.  I did really bad compared to what I'm capable of.  I really didn't study enough as i should of.  I am telling you now that I will do better on every test this whole year.  It's a promise!  Okay it was so painful looking at my grade today.  That will never happen again.

Monday, September 24, 2012


  In class we took a test on what we have done so far.  I didn't study that much but for the most part it wasn't that difficult.  I stated remembering thing as the test went on .  The hardest part of the test was the country matching exercise.

Friday, September 21, 2012


            In class today we went over the rest of the peoples presentations that didn’t go in the last two days oh class.  We went and our country was the United States of America.  Our presentation was really fast because we didn’t have much time left in class.  This project was fun and very simple.  I like projects are short and sweet.  I really like this class and look forward to having class on Monday. 

Thursday, September 20, 2012


    In class yesterday, we went over some people presentations.  We didn't go over mine but the ones that went yesterday weren't really good.  I really enjoyed Nigeria because Matt C did a really good job on presenting it.  He explained it really well and got help from the people in there group at there seats.  I cant wait to show u mine.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012


            In class today we started our presentation thing today.  Our country is the United States of America.  I am the person that is setting the whole thing up.  I am the presentationer.  I am not really sure if we are supposed to do this blog but I’m doing it anyway!  I was really tired today for some reason, of course it is Wednesday tomorrowL.  That is my worst day.  

Monday, September 17, 2012


            In class today, we went over a boring power point (no offence).  It was about mainly rate!  Everything had to do with rate.  I didn’t realize that the population of the U.S is increasing rapidly.  If the number of people gets too high it could be really bad!  We (meaning the U.S) will run out of water and food and everything.  I hope they make a rule about how many kids you can have.  Everyone should only have only 2 babies each.  The U.S needs to get a hold of it before it gets really bad.  That’s  what I believe in.

Friday, September 14, 2012

gunman drill

  Today in class we started off talking about if there was a gunman in our school and how we would evacuate.  We changed how to do that today.  Know instead of going to the benches with our addvisor  we go to the football field, parking lot, or somewhere else i cant remember.  We would rather be safe than sorry to do a drill ahead of time.  Than at the end of class, we went over the video and how technology is growing. That was my class of human geo.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

class and video

    In class as I told you in the other blog we finished the questions.  We talk about what question were the most important to us.  It wasn't a right or wrong answer it was your opinion.  That video was so spectacular. It really touch on how much the world has grown in everything in the last years.  I thought that the thing where it was saying while watching this video 67 baby's were born in the U.S and it went on and on with countries increasing.  I thought that the facebook number were rediculus.  50 million users in a year wow!

Tuesday, September 11, 2012


   In today's class was went over the world factbook questions.  I think we only got have of them checked  today but I'm sure we will get them all checked tomorrow.  The world factbook is a very good website for finding data on any country.  There so much on world popularity to HIV/AIDS.  I know now if I have a project on a country i will go directly to this website.  Today we had a good class overall.  A lot of people of rose there hand and today i felt we got a lot done and have a very good class tomorrow.

Monday, September 10, 2012

world factbook

1. The population of the U.S is 313,847,465
2. The five largest countries are 1. China 2. India 3. U.S 4. Indonesia 5. Brazil
3.  The population of Pakistan is 190,291,129
4.  U.S has a Constitution-based federal republic; strong democratic tradition
5. The unemployment rate in Zimbabwe is 35.9%
6. The largest country in the world by area is Russia
7. The country with the third number of airports is Mexico  
8. China has the greatest number of exports
9. The country that produces the most oil is Suburbia 
10. U.S imports the most oil.
11 .U.S consumes the most oil
12. Women can be in the china military.
13. GDP is gross domestic product
14. Liechtenstein has 141,100 has the most gdp
15. No the U.S is not in the top 0 in gdp
16. Africa  is were the top births are.
17. Africa is were there are the most aids
18. India is the other country .
19. U.S is 19th is aids
20. U.S isnt # 1 in cell phones
21. 23.9%  is roman catholic in the U.S
22. The amount of people that leave and come
23. 76.5% of mexico is roman catholic
24. U.S is 26th in net migration
25. the entire world population is 7,021,836,029
The two question i thought were important were:

#2 because people need to know if the country is quiet or not
#25. Because its good to know how many are in the U.S

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Taking Notes

   Taking notes is a very important tool to know.  If you can take notes you can be successful anywhere!  I'm glad you are teaching us how to take notes.  In college there will be hundred of students in a lecher hall where for an hour they talk straight for an hour.  It's very difficult to pass a class id you can't take good notes.  There are certain tactics to taking notes the right way.  Thank you for teaching us the right way to take notes!

Tuesday, September 4, 2012


  Today in class, we learned how to prove if the resource we use are legit or not.  My websites may look real but they aren't.  You have to go look at the website very fluently.  If you do at ten page on the ancient Greeks and the website isn't legit than you will fail.  But if you look fluently for a real website then you will get a better grade. A way you can tell if it is real, you can look if it was .gov.  Most of the time .gov is real.  Mr. Schick is not a good website to use as research. 

Monday, September 3, 2012

essay 3

  My five point action plan would have to start with getting comfortable with everyone around me and with the teachers. After that is done, I need to get organized!  If I'm not organized will be very cranky and not be able to concentrate.  The third thing i will have to do is no procrastination.  I really don't tend to do that but, if i start then it will not be a very good year.  My forth thing has to be realize school is more important then sports.  And last but not least is not commit stupid mistakes because one stupid mistake may become anther and another mistake.  That is my five point plan to survive my four years at John Carroll School.

essay 2

  If Elbert Hubbard and Socrates time traveled back to the present i think the would believe how technological everything was.  I think they would be excited  at  first but later realize everywhere and everything relied on electricity.  So when they went back they would be so upset to not be able to use everything we use.  I think they wold think we were become very lazy.  I think for the most part they would be very disappointed in us and think it just going to get worst.

essay 1

    To me arete means excellence always.  Arete was used as excellence in ancient Greece.  When u were considered an arete you had the vultures of making a good character.  Socrates and the ancient Greeks showed show this quality by being at the best at being Athenian philosopher.  The ancient Greeks were good at being landowners.

Sunday, September 2, 2012


  In class on Friday, we went over all of the vocabulary on ancient Greece.  ArĂȘte is the making of a good character.  Polis is a city state in Greece.  Socrates was a  Athenian philosopher. Socrates died by getting poisoned by hemlock.  The Socratic Method was teaching students by asking question after question.  The date 508 B.C was when the Cleisthenes grated full right to the free men of Athens.  Agora was the main spot in ancient Greece.  When the ancient Greeks called you an idiot it wasn't the same as if they called you it now.