Wednesday, August 29, 2012


    In class what we did was helping the new students.  Matt had no clue how to do anything!!  So my and Jake had to take over, and help Matt.  All he had to do was make a Gmail, make a blogger and that's it.  Matt some how made some trouble.  Honesty this going to be the boring blog ever from me.  We didn't do much today at all.  My favorite part was eating a donut.  Well why did we get more people in our class??  Can you tell me in class.  We don't have class tomorrow :(.  Okay well that's how our class went today.  Okay so bye.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012


   A message to Garcia for me was very different and hard to understand.  It was about the letter to Garcia.  At first i was like umm what in the world is this.  It was about the Spanish american war, it was main about the cuba people tring to gain there freedom.  I  thought the lines that spoke to me today were "The survival of the fittest and "Culling the Herd".  It really explains life in a new way!  It is saying who ever is t sharpest  will be successful or ever survive longer.  It really made he thing!  Culling the herd is what weeds out the less able.  I really enjoyed this class and can't wait for the next class

Monday, August 27, 2012


       Today in human geography, first we got our assigned seats.  Then We went over the syllabus.  Which is the one thing you should read first to be successful in this class.  It has everything from what we need for every class to the grading system.  At first when Mr.Schick said the blog will be worth two point and eight point a week I was like, the guy is terrible at math we have five days a week wouldn't it be ten point a week not eight.  Then when i got home i found out we only have class four times a week.  That is how my first human geography went.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

John Carroll- Daniel Bonsack

      My day at John Carroll was very exciting but, also frightening! I was so excited to see my friends i knew but, also looking forward to meeting new people.  I was frightened because it was my first day of high school! I knew I was going to be fine but, there was always a doubt in my mind I was going to something wrong.  I found at least one person in each class that i knew which is a good thing! I met a lot of new people today, and that's all I could ask for.  Today was really overwhelming but, I really hope I can remember most of things everyone has told me today.  I'm so excited for high school and hope I can do my best because this is where it all starts to matter for my future. I thank John Carroll school for excepting me into your school and making me welcome.