Wednesday, November 28, 2012


During class today we watched the video and a big part of it was on the Chinese bought Mal-Mart because the workers in china get paid less than people in the U.S.  In the U.S, we have a minimum wage and in China they don't so they could work for one dollar a day when people in the U.S get pain around eight dollar minimum.  People in china don't care how much they get paid, they only care about getting paid something.  You were saying that your money is kinda voting where you get your food from.  So if you like having less jobs in the U.S , shop at Mal-Mart.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012


    The Garry Sandusky was very good and funny at the same time.  Honestly this was one of the only presentation I enjoyed a lot!  It was very good how he takes having having the worst name in all of the world!  He was so funny and cool about the whole thing that happened.  

Monday, November 26, 2012


In school we watched a video about the people republic of china.  In China in a city called Chouqping construction workers make only two dollars per day (if your a women) and four dollars per day (if your a man).  This city is the "Biggest city you haven't heard of".  They stole car engine making for the U.S and they have Walmart    

Monday, November 19, 2012


We had a test today  in class.  It was on matching world leaders to their county's and the maps and what the leaders look like.  The first two sections of the test were review and we went over it in class.  The other stuff we had to study.  I think i did well on this test lets wait and find out!

Wednesday, November 14, 2012


In class Maddie had a shadow.  He name was Logan and i think you did your in creeping her out haha!  Anyways you went over out project before break.  My partner is Evan and is doing Venezuela and I am doing Afghanistan.  We are going an A you watch!


On January 18, 1871, Otto von Bismarck, the Minister-President of Prussia, unified independent German states into a nation-state.
Germanic tribes moved further south-west.
They were ruled by the Saxons and Slavs.

 India became an independent nation in 1947 after a struggle for independence that was marked by non-violent resistance led by Mahatma Gandhi.
Buddha was central to the beginnings of recorded history in India.
 the southern peninsula was being ruled by the Cheras, the Cholas, and the Pandyas

1 April 1979
Hinduism in Iran has a history stretching back to the Middle Ages.
ruled by the ancient Parthians and Sasanids.

Afghanistan gained their independence on 19 August 1919. Before it became independent, it used to be made up of many small tribes. The British occupied Afghanistan 3 separate times but they couldn't keep a hold on it.

The Independence Day of Brazil was officially announced on 7th September 1822. They use be run by the Portuguese.  For ages Brazil has represented the great escape into a prehistoric, tropical heaven, igniting the Western imagination like no other South American country.  


   France gained their independence on the 14th of July 1789 to commemorate this day.  It used to be ruled by Germany before WWII.


 Mexico declared independence September 16, 1810 the oldest things in Mexico are stone tools that are 23,000 years ago. Its oldest people are the Aztec. Before they became independent they were captured by the Spanish Hernán Cortés he arrived at the port in Veracruz with ca. 500 conquistadores, and later moved on to the Aztec capital. On his search for gold and other riches, Cortés decided to invade and conquer the Aztec empire killing thousands of people. They were subjects to Spain.

Saudi Arabia
Saudi Arabia has never been colonized, so the independence day is actually the day when the kingdom was created, which celebrated in 23 of September. Apart from a small number of urban trading settlements, such as Mecca and Medina, located in the Hejaz in the west of the Arabian Peninsula, most of what was to become Saudi Arabia was populated by nomadic tribal societies in the inhospitable desert. They have been subjects of another country. A communist party was formed in 1975

Settlement by anatomically modern humans of what was to become the United Kingdom occurred in waves beginning by about 30,000 years ago. By the end of the region's prehistoric period, the population is thought to have belonged, in the main, to a culture termed Insular Celtic, comprising Brythonic Britain and Gaelic Ireland.

Venezuela- It is found in South America. Scientist believe that the earliest sign of Humans in Venezuela was 15,000 years ago. Than in 1522 Spain started to colonize the area. It became part of the Viceroyalty of New Granada.After a series of unsuccessful uprisings, Venezuela was under the leadership of Francisco de Miranda, a Venezuelan soldier who had fought in the American Revolution and the French Revolution declared independence on 5 July 1811. This began the Venezuelan War of Independence. Though right after they got their independence their 1st and 2nd attempts for a government failed. It wasn't until a new General came to the fight, that they finally one their Independence. They were than part of Gran Colombia until that fell, and they formed their own country just after.


Monday, November 12, 2012

Not in school

I was not in school because I went to my grand-mom's funeral.
Rest In Peace grand-mom

Sunday, November 11, 2012


We had another quiz in class that I didn't know of.   It was my fault that i didn't check your website.  I thought I did okay and I checked on power school and i got a 81% which isn't great but better that most of my test lately.  I know that I have to take time to check you r website everyday to make sure I am prepared  for the next class.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012


On February 17, 2009, Obama signed the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009,
On November 7, 2009, a health care bill featuring the public option was passed in the House.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012


In class we went over the facts about all of the countries leaders.  In our last assignment we went has to search to get two facts for each leader.  My partner did nothing to help me.  I just did it by myself because he didn't help.

Monday, November 5, 2012


Mexico-Enrque Pena Nieto- Member of the institutional Revolutionary Party was the Governor of Mexico before he got elected president.

China-HU Jintao- President of the people Republic of China since 2003, currently the paramount leader of the people of China

India-Pranab MUKHERJEE- was the Union Finance Minister from 2009 to 2012, was awarded the second highest civilian award of India.

Afghanistan-Hamid KARZAI- On 22 may 2005, received an honorary Doctor of Laws Degree from Boston University 

Israel-Benjamin Netanyahu- lived in the U.S between 1956- 1958 and again 1963-1967, studied architecture at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology 

Germany-Angela Merkel-In January 2008, Merkel was awarded Grand Cross of the Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany, On 15 February 2011, she received the Presidential Medal of Freedom from U.S. President Barack Obama.

France-Francois HOLLANDE- Grand Cross of the Order of the Legion of the Honour, Grand Cross of the National Order of Merit.

Brazil-Dilma ROUSSEFF- First women in office, supports abortion

Venezuela-Hugo CHAVEZ- has cancer, tried to override the government out of power

Saudi Arabia-Abdullah bin Abdul-Aziz al Saud-n 1963, Abdullah was made commander of Saudi National Guard, and He is the first Saudi monarch to visit the Pope.

Saturday, November 3, 2012


In class jake another shadow.  His name was nick and sadly he know more than I did on the test ! That text went terible.  I forgot to study because I didn't feel good the night before.  That isnt an excuse but, I should do better next time and I will prove it to you.

Political Geography

United States

Constitutional-based federal republic
President Barack ObamaDescription:


federal republic
President Felipe CALDERON Description:


communist state
President HU Jintao Description:


federal republic
President Pranab MUKHERJEE Description:


Islamic republic
President Hamid KARZAI Description:


theocratic republic 
President Mahmud AHMADI-NEJAD Description:


parliamentary democracy
President Shimon PERES Description:
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu Description:


federal republic
President Joachim GAUCK Description:
Prime minister Chancellor Angela Merkel Description:

United Kingdom

constitutional monarchy and Commonwealth realm
President Queen ELIZABETH 2 Description:


President Francois HOLLANDE Description:


federal republic
President Dilma ROUSSEFF Description:


federal republic
President Hugo CHAVEZ Description:

Saudi Arabia

King and Prime Minister abdullah bin abdulaziz al saud Description: